Sunday, December 21, 2008

In The End

People have no right at all to treat any animal abusivly. Animals deserve to be treated with more respect. You should not support the way that some people these living creatures.

Don't Feed Your Dogs Or Cats IAMS

IAMS is a well known company by the public eye. They are known for the food products that they make fo cats and dogs. What people are not aware of is that they use a portion of their profits from food sales to fund animal research. IAMS has over 700 cats and dogs in their Dayton Ohio laboratory for nutritional studies. These animals that they keep captive are left in the smallest cages possible so that they can hold as many animals as they can in their lab. In 2003 PETA found out that chunks of muscle had been hacked from their thighs, and extremely sick dogs and cats were left in their small cages to suffer without any veterinary care.

What You Can Do To Help Fight Against Animal Abuse

Anyone can help stop animal abuse. Every little action to prevent abuse can help. If you witness an animal being abused in any way you should be responsible and call a local animal rights shelter (like an SPCA) to report what you saw. A bigger step to preventing animal abuse from happening would be for you to join an animal rights club. Becoming an animal rights activist would give you the opportunity to make your voice heard about this major issue. You could voice your opinion in your community by informing people what is happening to animals around the world. A lot of people are not aware of how much animal abuse there is in the world so it is your job to tell them the truth. You can become more informed by visiting the WWF and othre animal rights web sites.People need to know how big the issue of animal abuse is in order for change to be made. Do your part to save other animals from this unjust destiny.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Seal Hunts

Last year more than 300 000 seals were killed. The seal hunters kill seals as young as 1 week old. They are hunted for their fur and then purchased by fashion companies like Gucci, Prada, and Versace to make clothes. The way these seals are hunted is absolutely brutal. The hunters have these clubs that they use to hit the seal in the head. Young seal pups have no defence against the beatings because seal pups can't swim away to safety until they are 5 weeks old. Then after one hard hit on the head the hunters begin to skin the seals, even if they are not dead. Can you even begin to imagine the horrors of being skinned while you are still conscious of what is being done to you? The hunters only care about the fur, then they leave the carcases on the ice to rot.
The Inuits, on the other hand, use all of the animal. They kill the seals quickly and make sure that the seal is dead before they skin the animal. The Inuits have food flown in so there is a much higher cost for food for them. They need to hunt the seals for survival and they do not waste any part of the seal.

Dog Fighting

Dog fighting involves 2 dogs that are specifically bred and raised to fight. Dog fighting is a game that sick people play and bet on the dog that they think will win. People put the dogs in a small arena that is usually made of ply wood. Then the dogs fight each other for an average of 1and a half hours to 2 hours long until one dog can no longer fight. One of the dogs is the winner, however, both dogs usually end up dieing due to their severe injuries from the fight. The people watching the 2 dogs fight for their lives must have a brain disorder because they find enjoyment in watching the dogs try to kill each other.

A recent dog fighting case happened in 2007. It involved the NFL quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons Michael Vick. The police found about 60 dogs and a dog fighting ring on one of his properties in Virginia. The police had to confiscate all of the dogs that he used for the fights and Michael Vick along with his 3 accomplices were sentenced to jail for 23 months. Michael Vick and his friends used those 60 dogs to make money by having people come to watch the dog fight and place bets. Some of the dogs that were confiscated had to be euthanized due to severe infection from previous fights. These dogs were treated like an object rather than a living animal. Dogs that are used for fighting are trained to be killers from a very young age. They don't know a different way of life and are sentenced to a life of pain with no love.

This video shows the brutality of dog fighting- please don't ever go to a dog fight.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Animal Testing On Primates

Testing on monkeys is extremely common all around the world. Each year, on average, 50 000 monkeys are imported to the USA for lab testing and experiments.

That is a lot of pain and suffering for these small animals. 50 000 monkeys just in the USA, imagine how many that would be around the entire world!

Treatment Of Circus Animals

I'm sure that everyone has been to the circus before. In front of the curtain you can see the animals do their routines and tricks. Everyone laughs and applauds when the animals leave the stage or ring, but this is the part that the animals fear. When the circus animals are not preforming they are being trained. Now I am not saying that all circuses treat their animals this way but it has been proven by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) that The Ringling Bros treat their animals this way. At Ringling Bros circus the trainers use electric prods to deal with elephants. In a video that I viewed the head trainer was telling the other trainers to 'yank that elephants' foot off with your hook'. The elephants endure harsh beatings if they do not preform up to expectations. Lions and tigers are left unfed so that when it comes to training they preform the best that they can in order to be rewarded with the food that they need. Bears are shocked with electric prods and monkeys are beaten. This is not the right way to treat any kind of animal, let alone the animals that bring laughter and happiness to thousands of people. Circus animals should be treated with the respect that they deserve.

Friday, December 12, 2008

KFC ~> Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Kentucky Fried Chicken is finger licking good! However, did you know that every year more than 800 million chickens are killed for KFC fast food restaurants. That means that there are 800 million chickens that are abused every year. What makes their death an abuse case?Recently, workers from KFC's "Supplier Of The Year" were caught by an undercover videotape spray painting chicken's faces, stomping on chickens, breaking their wings and legs, breaking off their beaks, throwing them into scalding water and spitting tobacco in their eyes. This would be different if they were dead because they would not feel any pain , but when the workers do this to the chickens they still are alive. These poor chickens are also fed growth hormones to make them top heavy, so this usually cripples them by breaking their legs from unnatural weight. The treatment that these chickens see during their short lives (they are killed when they are about two months old) is unimaginable.
KFC is turning a cold shoulder on the fact that their suppliers are treating all of these chickens inhumanely. They try to cover up by telling us that all their workers are trained and knowledgeable on animal humanity. From the undercover video tape mentioned above and many others we can clearly see that the workers know absolutely nothing about animal rights. It is our job as a society to boycott KFC to protest their treatment of all these chickens. People need to do the right thing to protect these animals from being treated so cruelly. Stand up for what you believe in and stop supporting KFC by not eating their food.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dog Dragged From Behind Car

This is Lamina. Lamina was dragged behind her owners car at 30 km/h on February 19th 2006. What happened was her owner, a man from Faerie Glen in Pretoria, USA dragged Lamina from behind his Mercedes-Benz at 30 km/h. A lady who was driving the opposite way from them, turned her car around to follow them. She witnessed the dog fall down and roll all over the road, still on her rope, while the man was smiling. When the owner of Lamina stopped and was confronted, he shrugged his shoulders and acted like nothing was wrong. The dog was taken to the vet for worn away skin on her sides, worn away pads and severe bruises on her neck from the rope. When asked why he did this he responded by saying that the dog always got out of the yard, so to teach her a lesson he decided to drag her back home.

On average, a dog can comfortably walk 8km/h and a person at 6. Can you imagine how scary it would be to be dragged behind a car not knowing when and if it will stop. All of this pain that Lamina suffered was to be taught a lesson. Using abuse to teach someone something doesn't work on any living thing. Animal abuse is a crime and you will be caught.

Friday, October 31, 2008

An Eye Opening Video

Here is a video that I feel really summarizes what animal abuse is. I already know a lot about animal abuse but when I watched this video it made me much more aware about how all of these animals are being treated around the world. I also find that it is very informational and helpful for people who are not aware of what is happening to animals. Here is the video on I would recommend that every individual watches this educational video.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Types Of Animal Cruelty

Animal abuse is illegal. Most animals are treated properly but, there is a percentage of the animals that are treated very cruelly. There are 7 main types of animal abuse. Animal neglect is when the owner of the animal does not provide adequate care for their pet. This could include actions like not giving them the diet that they need, not providing shelter, not giving them proper vet care, and the list goes on. animal fighting is exactly what it sounds like, ignorant and arrogant people who specifically breed and train animals(usually dogs) to fight other animals. Then they place bets on the animal that they think will win, and excitedly watch for the results. The fights are brutal and almost all the time end in death for both the animals. Other types of animal fighting includes Hog-Dog Fighting, Trunking, and Badger Baiting. Animal hoarding is when people 'collect' too many animals to provide proper care for them which could lead to negligence. Animal poisoning is when people, not necessarily the owner, poison the animal either deliberately or accidental. Animal shooting is when someone shoots the animal. Crush videos usually star hot women crushing tiny animals.