Friday, December 12, 2008

KFC ~> Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Kentucky Fried Chicken is finger licking good! However, did you know that every year more than 800 million chickens are killed for KFC fast food restaurants. That means that there are 800 million chickens that are abused every year. What makes their death an abuse case?Recently, workers from KFC's "Supplier Of The Year" were caught by an undercover videotape spray painting chicken's faces, stomping on chickens, breaking their wings and legs, breaking off their beaks, throwing them into scalding water and spitting tobacco in their eyes. This would be different if they were dead because they would not feel any pain , but when the workers do this to the chickens they still are alive. These poor chickens are also fed growth hormones to make them top heavy, so this usually cripples them by breaking their legs from unnatural weight. The treatment that these chickens see during their short lives (they are killed when they are about two months old) is unimaginable.
KFC is turning a cold shoulder on the fact that their suppliers are treating all of these chickens inhumanely. They try to cover up by telling us that all their workers are trained and knowledgeable on animal humanity. From the undercover video tape mentioned above and many others we can clearly see that the workers know absolutely nothing about animal rights. It is our job as a society to boycott KFC to protest their treatment of all these chickens. People need to do the right thing to protect these animals from being treated so cruelly. Stand up for what you believe in and stop supporting KFC by not eating their food.

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